Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hebrew Studies and Lexicons

As I continue to research and study more into the Hebrew language of the Old Testament. I found even more links to share and save to help everyone in there studies as well. I hope you all have as much fun as I do with yet even more links.

An English-Hebrew lexicon, being a complete verbal index to Gesenius' Hebrew lexicon (1877)

Dictionary of the Targumim, The Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature, by Marcus Jastrow (1926)

A Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament : with an appendix containing the biblical Aramaic (1906)

An English and Hebrew lexicon composed after Johnson's directory, containing fifteen thousand English words, rendered into Biblical, or rabbinical Hebrew, or into Chaldee. To which is annexed a list of English and Hebrew words the expressions and meanings of which appear to be the same in both languages (1832)

Hebrew vocabularies : lists of the most frequently occurring Hebrew words (1898, c1890)

A Concise Dictionary of Hebrew Philosophical Terms


dictionary of Semitic roots Hebrew, Arabic

A handbook to Old Testament Hebrew : containing an elementary grammar of the language : with reading lessons, notes on many scripture passages and copious exercises (1921)

Ancient Hebrew & Biblical Hebrew
