Friday, June 21, 2013

Hebrew Lexicons and Translations

I'm posting up a few more links here for some of the Hebrew Lexicon Translation site I have found here as well. Those who are into studying much deeper be sure to follow this blog because more links will be added here very soon.

This is a pdf file online. A lexicon that provides many of the Hebrew 
Words for those who know what they are looking for.

This is another site the may or may not help in knowing more of the background of the 
Hebrew Language, and also help learn the language a bit easier. 

One of my favorites that I use all the time. If your on your computer you may 
need to download the font. 
Provides both Hebrew and Greek. 

This link provide the more of the Hebrew fonts of the words for a deeper study.

This provides a side by side translation, Not sure on the accuacy yet. 
But also good to see the Hebrew. 

Some more information and History on more of the hebrew documents and manuscripts.

More links to some of the oldest Hebrew texts in the World.